tag: Sylius eCommerce

Netgen Layouts going Open Core; version 1.0 released

Netgen Layouts going Open Core; version 1.0 released

Ivo Lukač

After 4 years of work, countless commits, many implemented projects, a dozen of partners using the product, we are releasing our crown jewel — Netgen Layouts in version 1.0 and on top of that — its Open Core. 

Netgen partners with Sylius eCommerce

Netgen partners with Sylius eCommerce

Ivo Lukač

4 years ago we started using Sylius to develop e-commerce projects. Since then, our relationship went from using each other’s technologies to a solid partnership. With Sylius and Layouts forces combined together, the best is yet to come.

Netgen Layouts 0.10 released – with AJAX blocks, export and import, themes, and more

Netgen Layouts 0.10 released

Ivo Lukač

After implementing translations capabilities in the Netgen Layouts 0.9, it was time to deal with several medium-sized and numerous smaller features that were needed on ours and the projects of our early adopters. Here's the version 0.10.

A few thoughts about the Symfony framework and PHP in general

A few thoughts about the Symfony framework and PHP in general

Ivo Lukač

Although it is interesting to read bickering about PHP in the blog comments, forum threads, or Facebook group discussions, this post is not about comparing PHP with other languages. It is about an important factor that keeps PHP on the top - the frameworks. 

SymfonyLive London 2015

eZ Publish and Sylius integration strikes again (or how we went to SymfonyLive London 2015)

Edi Modrić

The SymfonyLive conferences are a great way to meet Symfony experts from all around the world. They are being held in several cities this year alone: Paris, Berlin, San Francisco and London. The 4th edition of SymfonyLive London was held on 17th and 18th of September 2015. My colleague Ivo and I attended, together with our partner and friend, Antonio of Locastic.

We are open sourcing our integration of eCommerce solution (Sylius) with CMS (eZ Publish)

We are open sourcing our integration of eCommerce solution (Sylius) with CMS (eZ Publish)

Edi Modrić , Ivan Herak

Recently we have built a website alutec.no with our partners Keyteq as project leaders and Locastic as development partners. That would not be such a special news if the site was not built on top of a very interesting combination: content is managed with the eZ Publish 5.* version which is based on Symfony framework and shop features are implemented with Sylius components which are installed on top of the same Symfony instance.

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